STMS and VMG icon STMS and VMG


Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) are exchange visits aimed at supporting individual mobility, strengthening existing networks, and fostering collaboration between COST Action participants. Virtual Mobility Grants (VMG) consist of collaborations in a virtual setting among researchers or innovators within the COST Action to exchange knowledge. STSM and VMG should specifically contribute to the scientific objectives of the COST Action, whilst at the same time allowing those partaking in the missions to learn new techniques, gain access to specific data, instruments and/or methods not available in their own institutions/ organizations.

The STSM and VMG conducted so far in PERIAMAR are:

Holder (home institution country) Host (country) Responsible person at the host Theme Period
Theodor-Sebastian Topliceanu (ROMANIA) - (VIRTUAL) -- Amphibians vs Fish. Comparison of their chronic toxicity patterns Feb - Mar 2024
Cynthia Munoz (NORWAY) - (VIRTUAL) -- Define trigger values for maternal transfer as an exposure route of reptile embryos Jan - Mar 2024
Olga Jovanovic Glavas (CROATIA) - (VIRTUAL) -- Review of the life history trait database for model species elaboration Jan - Feb 2024
Frances Orton (UNITED KINGDOM) - (VIRTUAL) -- Extrapolate long-term, breeding output effects from developmental testing in amphibians Jan 2024
Blagovesta Dimitrova (BULGARIA) - (VIRTUAL) -- Updated review of reptilian toxicological information Jan 2024
Raluca Bancila (ROMANIA) CICGE-Research Centre on GeoSpatial Science (PORTUGAL) Neftalí Sillero Analysis of spatial data on European herpetofauna Sep - Oct 2023
Samuel González López (SPAIN) National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) (ARGENTINA) -- Evaluating the risk of pesticide exposure for amphibians using residue data from water sources in an extensive agrarian region Jul - Oct 2023
Miruna Vizireanu (ROMANIA) CIBIO-University of Porto (PORTUGAL) Miguel A. Carretero The effect of pesticides on the reproductive success of lizards (Post breeding period) Jul - Sep 2023
Simeon Lukanov (BULGARIA) CICGE-Research Centre on GeoSpatial Science (PORTUGAL) Neftalí Sillero Update on the taxonomy and distribution of European amphibians and reptiles through the combined use of GIS analysis and interactive applications Jul - Aug 2023
Sabina Vlad (ROMANIA) CIBIO-University of Porto (PORTUGAL) Miguel A. Carretero The effect of pesticides on the reproductive success of lizards Jun - Jul 2023
Myrto Roumelioti (GREECE) CIBIO-University of Porto (PORTUGAL) Miguel A. Carretero Estimating indirect effects of pesticides on amphibian and communities Apr - Jun 2023
Eirini Trypidaki (GREECE) CICGE-Research Centre on GeoSpatial Science (PORTUGAL) Neftalí Sillero Improvements and updates on the Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles of Europe Mar - Jun 2023

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